Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tiny closet ~~ How to store your clothes in drawers

Before I married my husband, the closet was just barely enough for my stuff (yes, I do have lots of crap as my husband calls it). Now it has to store his stuff as well, and therefore we run out of space...
So this weekend challenge: utilize all my closet space.
Starting with our drawers and how we fold our clothes
This has always been how I fold my shirts, so hard to find the right shirt that he wants
This has always been how I fold my shirts, so hard to find the right shirt that he wants
Compare to this:
This save space, we can fit in another 5-6 shirts, and he can find any shirt by looking at the design
How to fold it:
fold shirt
Also works with jeans and shorts:
To be continued...

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