Why should you bother making your own yogurt?
Because it's cheap, it's easy to make, it's good for your health (no preservative and probiotics effect), and it tastes supper yummy. Also because I grew up eating this and I'm not a fan of yogurts sold in US market (don't get me wrong, they taste good too, but just different).
Ingredients: condensed milk- 1 can, whole milk - 2 can, plain yogurt- 8oz, and hot water - 1 can.
First boil some water. While waiting, in a large prep bowl, empty the condensed milk can
Add 1 can of hot water (using the same can to measure hot water), stir it to dissolve all condensed milk
Add 2 can whole milk, keep stirring.
Add 8 ounce plain yogurt, keep stirring. It will be clumpy, sift mixture smooth:
Pour in small jars, and put jars in a large pot with lid. Boil some more water, wait for it to cool down a little, fill pot with hot water (it should submerge around 1/3 the jar's height):
Turn on oven to 350F, then turn it off, put the whole pot into oven. Let sit overnight, and you will have homemade yogurt the next morning. Pop them in the fridge and it will be ready to eat. You can also mix it with fruit, with shaved ice, or eat it frozen (my favorite).
If you want to make them again, keep one jar for you next yogurt batch instead of buying plain yogurt from store.
And let me know how it turn out if you tried the recipe :)
Thanks for reading.
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